Frequently Asked Questions

  • What scholarships do you offer?
    • UGCS Scholarship. Information regarding this scholarship may be found here. Parents/guardians must apply for this scholarship separately from the school and will be notified from the state regarding qualification. At this time, no other scholarships are offered.
  • Do I have to pay my tuition all at one time? 
    • UGCS uses the FACTS online tuition system. When parents set up a payment plan, they may choose to either make the payment in full or set up a 10-month payment plan. 
  • Do my kids have to take an entrance test to be admitted? 
    • Depending on the student's previous educational experience, an entrance exam may be required. 
  • What lunch options are available for my student? 
    • UGCS offers a delicious home-cooked, hot lunch program. Families may place credit on their FACTS account to purchase lunch daily.
  • What security measures do you take to ensure my student is safe? 
    • In addition to security cameras and secured doors, UGCS has a full-time police officer on campus during the school day. Security is of utmost importance to our administration.
  • What is the dress code at the school? 
    • The UGCS student dress code is available under the Students tab.

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