Spiritual Development
Union Grove Christian School strives for students to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and grow in their relationship with him through intentional discipleship. These goals are met through daily discipleship-driven Bible classes, weekly spiritual emphasis days (chapels, small groups, split groups), and scheduled weeks of intentional spiritual growth opportunities. In addition, there are weekly student-led Bible studies and prayer meetings.

UGCS strives to use curriculum based on a biblical worldview. History, science, and English classes use Abeka, BJU Press, and Sadlier Oxford curriculums. Other courses use vetted curriculums to be most effective for each category/class.

Union Grove Christian School is a member of the North Carolina Christian School Association and American Association of Christian Schools. Through these associations, students have the opportunity to compete while using their God-given talents. Students may compete in the area of academics, athletics, and fine arts.